Bond advises a.s.r. real estate on the financing of three green energy projects
Bond has advised a.s.r. real estate (a.s.r.) on the legal aspects of finance documentation in relation to the financing of three green energy projects which a.s.r. purchased last year from Vattenfall (Wind parks Nieuwe Hemweg and Jaap Rodenburg) and GroenLeven (solar park Pesse).

Solar park Pesse in Drenthe has over 60.000 solar panels, which come with a capacity of 32,6 MW. This provides approximately 11,500 households with electricity. Wind park Nieuwe Hemweg, located in the port area of Amsterdam, has been completed in 2021 and consists of six new wind turbines (13,2 MW). This supplies electricity to approximately 13,300 households. In Wind park Jaap Rodenburg in Almere Pampus, the older wind turbines have been replaced with ten newer and more powerful models. Eight of these new turbines (30,4 MW) were purchased by a.s.r. from Vattenfall. The yearly output of these turbines corresponds to the electricity consumption of almost 28,400 households.