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Track Record
Bond advises EBS on the financing of electric buses and charging infrastructure in relation to the Zaanstreek-Waterland Concessie 2024-2038
Placed on 9 October 2023
On 23 June 2023 EBS won the Zaanstreek-Waterland Concessie 2024-2038. EBS (Egged Bus Systems) is a Dutch regionally operating public transportation company, which was founded in 2010 as a subdivision of the Israeli Egged Group. In addition to the new concession, EBS provides public bus transportation services in three other concessions: region IJssel-Vecht, region Voorne-Putten & Rozenburg and region Haaglanden Streek.
Bond advises a.s.r. real estate on the financing of three green energy projects
Placed on 9 October 2023
Bond has advised a.s.r. real estate (a.s.r.) on the legal aspects of finance documentation in relation to the financing of three green energy projects which a.s.r. purchased last year from Vattenfall (Wind parks Nieuwe Hemweg and Jaap Rodenburg) and GroenLeven (solar park Pesse).
Bond advises Ennatuurlijk with the further investment in geothermal energy through the acquisition of ECW Geoholding
Placed on 9 October 2023
Ennatuurlijk is an independent, sustainable energy company which delivers sustainable geothermal heat and cooling to over 85.000 households and 1.200 companies throughout the Netherlands.
Bond advises Arcus Infrastructure Partners and E-Fiber on the increase of funding by ABN Amro and Rabobank for further expansion of the E-Fiber fibre-optic network
Placed on 9 October 2023
The original financing involved a large number of E-Fiber's fibre-optic networks. An increasing number of these networks are already providing fibre-optic connections to consumers. Another part of the networks is still in various stages of construction.
Bond advises Arcus Infrastructure Partners and E-Fiber on the financing of the rollout of its Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) network
Placed on 9 October 2023
Bond advises Arcus Infrastructure Partners and E-Fiber on the financing by ABN Amro and Rabobank of the roll-out of E-Fiber’s fibre-optic network.