Bond advises De Vrije Blick Vastgoed Coöperatief on the financing of 268 apartments in the residential estate Park Boswijk in Doorn.
Bond advises De Vrije Blick Vastgoed Coöperatief on the financing of 268 apartments in the residential estate Park Boswijk in Doorn. This concerns a long-term financing by BerlinHyp.

The estate consists of eight buildings which are located in a beautiful, wooded area of the Netherlands. The estate has been renovated with significant sustainability improvements. The old central building has been completely replaced with a newly constructed building which houses the communal facilities (such as a supermarket, Grand Café, Coffee Corner, hairdresser and laundry service).
Park Boswijk is used as a service residence. This means that the apartments are suitable for seniors (although no age restrictions apply). The offered facility services include housekeeping, reception and professional care services.
De Vrije Blick Vastgoed Coöperatief is a sophisticated real estate investor with a lot of experience in the redevelopment of and investments in historical real estate.
BerlinHyp is a German pfandbriefbank, actively financing real estate in the Netherlands.
Other advisors involved were Heston Finance and Core Notariaat (as advisors for De Vrije Blick Vastgoed Coöperatief).
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